If you’re reading this, congratulations! You are reading my first blog ever. Rather than give you an introduction to who I am (that can be located on my About page), I’d like to spend this post talking about what kinds of writing you can expect from my blog, and a bit about how this blog came to be.
A space for me
As an introvert, I like to consider myself a thought collector. I’m constantly trying to absorb as much information as I can, reading books, watching movies, and listening to music. There have been so many times when I have way too many thoughts in my head at one time. This will be a space for me to get it all out, so to speak. When too many thoughts get jumbled around, I have moments of frustration, so I think blog writing will be a good creative outlet for me.
On the other hand, I’ve begun to remind myself that I have a voice. Things can get so polarizing nowadays, with people who don’t agree with you attempting to shut down controversial conversations. I want my blog to be a place where people can chat with me about the big issues. You know, religion, morality, the meaning of life, those sorts of things. I have no idea who wants to read about those topics, but if you do, great! I’m sure you’ll find something to ponder, even if you agree with me. You should note that I’ve had very little formal education in philosophy and theology beyond the books I’ve read, so take most things I say with a grain of salt, please? I am not an authority on these subjects by any means, and there are many people more qualified to speak about these things than I am, I just enjoy writing about them, that’s all.
Why the name Incarnational Inkwell?
First of all, because I’m obsessed with alliteration (words that start with the same consonant following each other) and assonance (words that start with the same vowel following each other). I majored in English in college, so little side tangents like this will happen a lot.
Second, because I know deep down that everyone loves a good story, and the story of Jesus Christ is the greatest story I’ve ever known. The fact that the God created space, time and everything else that exists, is one thing, but it is completely mind-blowing that he actually BECAME a human being, with all of our messiness is pretty cool when you stop and think about it.
Third, because I’ve drawn closer to God through literature, film, and music. It doesn’t matter if it was made thousands of years ago, like Homer’s Odyssey, or something more contemporary, like the latest pop song. (I don’t really have a preference for music, but some pop is ok in small doses.) All I know is that God is Truth, and if truth can be found in something that isn’t explicitly labeled “Christian,” then in a sense you could say that God can be found in whatever that thing is.
Thank you for reading, and God bless you!